Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Avoiding the Pesky Internet Explorer File Download Blocker

If Internet Explore is blocking your cage card downloads, here are some settings you can check.  These screenshots are from Internet Explorer 9.

  1. Locate the Tools menu, or the “Gear” button in the upper left:
  2. Select Internet options:
  3. Go to the Advanced tab and
    check “Notify when downloads complete” and
    uncheck “Do not save encrypted pages to disk:
  4. You may also need to go to the Security tab and
    click Trusted Sites and
    click the Sites button and
    add Mosaic to the list:
  5. Make sure your trusted sites enable file downloads.  Hit the Custom Level button and enable “Automatic prompting for file downloads”
  6. Finally, restart your browser.  You should now be able to download without being blocked.

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